Sponsor A Stem - SAU24 Teachers & Staff
Sponsor A Stem is all about communities coming together to give a small token of appreciation to those that have made an impact within the community.
Throughout the past 2 years, teachers and staff have worked hard to hold a space for our children to continue to flourish in their education and development. Whether it be learning a whole new way of educating virtually or navigating ever-changing policies to keep everyone safe - they all have gone above and beyond to continue to be there for their students.
Our collective communities of Weare, Henniker, and Stoddard sponsored 556 stems to give to every teacher and staff member within the districts 5 schools!
Each flower is made from wood and will live on forever and remind the recipient of our ever-lasting appreciation of their devotion and commitment to their students.
Supportive Local Businesses
Words of Appreciation from Parents & Community
Unfortunately we weren't able to collect messages easily beyond ones added to some of the orders. More messages may appear in the comments so please come back to read them!
Thank you for all that you do! Xo Joe, Kim, Brennan & Ryan Mucci
Thank you for going above & beyond! - Terri Russell
Stems sponsored in honor of Jess Potter, Center Woods Elementary School - Connie Evans
Huge shout out to Mr. Ward for making Gavin’s first school experience so positive! Gavin’s enthusiasm was infectious when talking about Mr. Ward and relaying the details of his days at school. Thank you so much for taking such care with your students. - Gavin’s Grammy
May you continue to be a blessing to your students! - Isabelle Maciel
Thank you SAU24 staff!! - Donna Dennis
Stem sponsored in honor is JSRHS Jen Matszke from Spencer Keane's Grandmother - Thank you!!